The Origin of Butter Chicken: A Culinary Legend

The Origin of Butter Chicken: A Culinary Legend

Butter chicken is one of the most popular Indian dishes in the entire world, often called the ambassador of Indian Cuisine. While millions love this creamy and delicious dish, few know the interesting story behind its creation. Let's trace its origins back to pre-independence Peshawar, where a visionary chef's invention would change the course of Indian cuisine and achieve lasting fame.

The Birthplace of Butter Chicken

Moti Mahal, the restaurant that gave birth to the legendary dish we now call "Butter Chicken," was started by Shri Kundan Lal Gujral in Peshawar in the 1920s. After the partition in 1947, Moti Mahal relocated to India, embarking on a mission to introduce this dish to millions worldwide.

The Pioneer Behind the Dish

Kundan Lal Gujral

Moti Mahal began as a roadside dhaba (eatery) founded by Shri Kundan Lal Gujral in 1920. A visionary chef, Gujral's passion for food led him to constantly experiment with ingredients, resulting in some of the world's most legendary dishes.

The Fateful Day

After a long day of work at his Peshawar eatery, Kundan had some leftover tandoori chicken (another dish he invented). Usually, he would discard leftover ingredients to ensure fresh starts each day. However, this time was different.

His passion and vision for food compelled him to do something with the leftover chicken. This small decision would change the course of Indian cuisine forever. Here's what he did:

  1. Prepared a rich tomato gravy from scratch
  2. Mixed the leftover tandoori chicken into the gravy
  3. Let it simmer for a while
  4. Added makhan (white butter) and cream to make the gravy richer and thicker

When Kundan tasted this new creation, he realized he had made something extraordinary. The flavors complemented each other so well that he knew he had changed Indian cuisine forever.

A Legendary Legacy

What started as an attempt to save leftover chicken grew into a dish that single-handedly represents Indian cuisine worldwide. Kundan Lal Gujral's genius and love for food allowed him to invent a dish so great that it etched his name and his creation into culinary history forever.

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